
Modern Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, in a land far away, a beautiful, independent, self-confident princess met a frog as she sat contemplating ecological issues on the shores of an unpolluted lake in a verdant plain near her castle.

The frog hopped into the Princess' lap and said: "Elegant Lady, I was once a handsome Prince, until an evil witch cast a spell upon me."

"One kiss from you, however, and I will turn back into the handsome, young Prince that I am and then, my sweet, we can marry and set up a home in my castle with my mother, where you can prepare my meals, clean my clothes, take care of my children, and forever feel grateful and happy doing so."

That night, eating dessert after fried frog legs seasoned in a white wine and onion cream sauce, she laughed to herself and thought:

I don't think so

O endereço da fairy tale acima é este basta clicar

Recebi essa fairy tale de uma amiga faz algum tempo e tinha decidido publicar só que não sabia em que parte tinha salvado para fazer isso e revizando os arquivos em minha máquina achei, finalmente. O nedereço tem outras coisas bem interessantes e engraçadas.

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