Sempre tive que lidar com mudancas, ciclos, inicio e fim afinal desde crianca mudei algumas vezes de cidade e em cada mudanca sempre houve um novo comeco como sempre deve ser: escola nova, predio novo, etc.
Sou muito apegada a minha zona de conforto, eu a amo de paixao, mas com as mudancas pelas quais passei tive que de alguma maneira encontrar um equilibrio entre novos comecos e essa minha zona tao amada, gosto de sentir seguranca e de saber que ha um lugar onde possa ter um meu conforto, um lugar onde realmente conheca, saber onde estou pisando. Com o passar do tempo estabilzei e as unicas mudancas foram as de emprego, e por imcrivel que possa parecer algumas dessas mudancas foram bem planejadas por mim, tinha que arender mais e viver outras experiencias.
Pois bem, a maior de todas as mudancas aconteceu ha quase quatro anos tras quando sai de Recife e simplesmente desembaquei em Calgary (Canada). Desde que cheguei estou no mesmo emprego, a experiencia sempre foi promissora: chance de conhecer pessoas de paises e culturas diferentes, ter a chance de expandir a lingua inglesa, trabalhar com pessoas especiais. Mas como tudo tem um comeco e fim e pela primeira vez estou realmente puxandotudo para um limite bem antes do esperado. Aqui deu tudo o que tinha para dar. O que mais impressiona eh que dessa vez estou tao saturada que preciso sair o quanto antes. Cada vez mais a saudade esta batendo e o coracao aperta a cada vez que falo das minhas experiencias como professora e quero tanto voltar a ensinar e ter a alegria de voltar a sala de aula, it is so much fun.
Take a look what you've started,In the world flashing from your eyes, And you know that you've got it,From the thunder you feel inside, I believe in a feeling,Of the pain that you left to die, I believe in the livin' In life that you give to try
100 anos
Alguns ligares aqui em Calgary (Canada) estao comemorando 100 anos de existencia, mas nao eh so aqui que ha comemoracoes especiais em torno da idade. A paramount tambem esta completando 100 anos e publicou um cartaz com os filmes ja feitos nesse tempo. Entao decidi, dar uma olhada e ver se conheco pelo menos parte deles, mas aho que vou precisar de uma ajudinha para achar todos.
Ai, ai
The new invasion: 5 Brits on the brink
By Emma Badame.
Each and every year Hollywood is faced with a new crop of talented actors and actresses looking to be plucked from obscurity via a hit movie or indie gem that could spell their big break. It's a tale as old as time...or as old as the big screen anyway. But you don't have to be an acting ingenue to take Hollywood by storm. Since the Californian dream machine started churning there has been a steady stream of British actors attempting to transform their UK success into a lasting impression on this side of the pond. That international level of success is a daunting task for even the best of actors and few manage to make the leap. But over the past year it's become clear to those paying attention (i.e. Anglophiles and casting agents) that there happen to be several very talented actors on the brink of doing just that.
Check out our list of the 5 UK successes who will soon be familiar enough to North American audiences that IMDB searches will become a thing of the past.
The Leicester-born, LAMDA-trained actor is pretty much an unknown property to audiences outside of Britain, but after starring in numerous well-received UK television productions as a deliciously evil baddie ("Robin Hood"), conflicted spy ("Spooks") or brooding hero to rival even Colin Firth's Darcy ("North & South"), it's clear he's got talent and range to spare. With a co-starring role in last year's Captain America: The First Avenger and his sizable role as Thorin Oakenshield in Peter Jackson's two part Hobbit adaptation (alongside our #3 pick, Martin Freeman) on the horizon, recognition on this side of the pond is likely to change in a hurry.
#4 Eddie Redmayne
The London-born actor and model is certainly no stranger to critical accolades. After all, the 30-year-old Redmayne already has an Olivier Award, Tony Award and Critics Circle Award under his belt. Mainstream big and small screen success has been a tad more elusive but that looks to be changing in a big way. Thanks to a stand-out performance alongside Michelle Williams in My Week With Marilyn, a memorable turn in the "Pillars of the Earth" mini-series and a co-starring role as Marius in Tom Hooper's highly anticipated big-screen adaptation of Les Misérables, it's only a matter of time until Redmayne becomes a household name.
Though familiar to Anglophiles across our fine nation for his fantastic work in the original "Office", the BBC's "Sherlock" (which nabbed him a Best Supporting Actor BAFTA last year), The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and Love, Actually, there is still a disappointingly large number of people who would see Martin's name and shake their head while saying "I think you mean Morgan Freeman." Well, that's all about to change come a little 'indie' film called The Hobbit.
Freeman is tackling the titular role in Peter Jackson's epic two-part adventure and it's a safe bet that once international audiences get a load of the talented thesp in his role of Bilbo Baggins come December 14, the Freeman name confusion will be a thing of the past.
As the charismatic arch-villain Loki in Marvel's wildly successful Avengers, the 31-year-old London native managed the not-inconsiderable task of stealing scenes from a laundry list of A-list actors including Robert Downey Jr. and Samuel L. Jackson. It's just the latest in a line of recent big-screen triumphs for the RADA-trained actor. Since his major-film debut in 2010's Thor, he's gone on to wow critics with performances in Woody Allen's Midnight in Paris, Spielberg's War Horse, and as the damaged Freddie Page in an adaptation of Rattigan's The Deep Blue Sea. But it's his second foray as the mischievous god that's pushed the talented thesp (who's also a dab-hand at impressions - his Owen Wilson is insane) to make the leap from critical darling to fan favourite (see the masses of Tumblrs and GIFs dedicated to the actor just for a start).
Up next for Hiddleston is a starring role in Jim Jarmusch's Only Lovers Left Alive.
#1 Benedict Cumberbatch
The 35-year-old British actor has been impressing critics and audiences in the UK for almost a decade with roles on both the stage and small screen. But recent days have seen Cumberbatch's star rise far beyond his native land - so much so that he's created what some are (rightly) calling a fully fledged situation here across the pond.
The chameleon-like thesp with the absurdly memorable name appeared in not one but two Oscar-nominated films last year, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy and War Horse, while also finding himself cast as the purported big bad in J.J. Abram’s much-anticipated Star Trek sequel. But his brink-of-international-success is truly down to one thing: the BBC's "Sherlock." In his breakthrough role as a modern incarnation of the legendary detective, casting agents and audiences worldwide have been afforded the opportunity to see something exceedingly rare - the perfect marriage of talent and part.
Next up for Cumberbatch: Star Trek 2, 12 Years a Slave, and a third season of "Sherlock."
Do: Cineplex.
By Emma Badame.
Each and every year Hollywood is faced with a new crop of talented actors and actresses looking to be plucked from obscurity via a hit movie or indie gem that could spell their big break. It's a tale as old as time...or as old as the big screen anyway. But you don't have to be an acting ingenue to take Hollywood by storm. Since the Californian dream machine started churning there has been a steady stream of British actors attempting to transform their UK success into a lasting impression on this side of the pond. That international level of success is a daunting task for even the best of actors and few manage to make the leap. But over the past year it's become clear to those paying attention (i.e. Anglophiles and casting agents) that there happen to be several very talented actors on the brink of doing just that.
Check out our list of the 5 UK successes who will soon be familiar enough to North American audiences that IMDB searches will become a thing of the past.
The Leicester-born, LAMDA-trained actor is pretty much an unknown property to audiences outside of Britain, but after starring in numerous well-received UK television productions as a deliciously evil baddie ("Robin Hood"), conflicted spy ("Spooks") or brooding hero to rival even Colin Firth's Darcy ("North & South"), it's clear he's got talent and range to spare. With a co-starring role in last year's Captain America: The First Avenger and his sizable role as Thorin Oakenshield in Peter Jackson's two part Hobbit adaptation (alongside our #3 pick, Martin Freeman) on the horizon, recognition on this side of the pond is likely to change in a hurry.
#4 Eddie Redmayne
The London-born actor and model is certainly no stranger to critical accolades. After all, the 30-year-old Redmayne already has an Olivier Award, Tony Award and Critics Circle Award under his belt. Mainstream big and small screen success has been a tad more elusive but that looks to be changing in a big way. Thanks to a stand-out performance alongside Michelle Williams in My Week With Marilyn, a memorable turn in the "Pillars of the Earth" mini-series and a co-starring role as Marius in Tom Hooper's highly anticipated big-screen adaptation of Les Misérables, it's only a matter of time until Redmayne becomes a household name.
Though familiar to Anglophiles across our fine nation for his fantastic work in the original "Office", the BBC's "Sherlock" (which nabbed him a Best Supporting Actor BAFTA last year), The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and Love, Actually, there is still a disappointingly large number of people who would see Martin's name and shake their head while saying "I think you mean Morgan Freeman." Well, that's all about to change come a little 'indie' film called The Hobbit.
Freeman is tackling the titular role in Peter Jackson's epic two-part adventure and it's a safe bet that once international audiences get a load of the talented thesp in his role of Bilbo Baggins come December 14, the Freeman name confusion will be a thing of the past.
As the charismatic arch-villain Loki in Marvel's wildly successful Avengers, the 31-year-old London native managed the not-inconsiderable task of stealing scenes from a laundry list of A-list actors including Robert Downey Jr. and Samuel L. Jackson. It's just the latest in a line of recent big-screen triumphs for the RADA-trained actor. Since his major-film debut in 2010's Thor, he's gone on to wow critics with performances in Woody Allen's Midnight in Paris, Spielberg's War Horse, and as the damaged Freddie Page in an adaptation of Rattigan's The Deep Blue Sea. But it's his second foray as the mischievous god that's pushed the talented thesp (who's also a dab-hand at impressions - his Owen Wilson is insane) to make the leap from critical darling to fan favourite (see the masses of Tumblrs and GIFs dedicated to the actor just for a start).
Up next for Hiddleston is a starring role in Jim Jarmusch's Only Lovers Left Alive.
#1 Benedict Cumberbatch
The 35-year-old British actor has been impressing critics and audiences in the UK for almost a decade with roles on both the stage and small screen. But recent days have seen Cumberbatch's star rise far beyond his native land - so much so that he's created what some are (rightly) calling a fully fledged situation here across the pond.
The chameleon-like thesp with the absurdly memorable name appeared in not one but two Oscar-nominated films last year, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy and War Horse, while also finding himself cast as the purported big bad in J.J. Abram’s much-anticipated Star Trek sequel. But his brink-of-international-success is truly down to one thing: the BBC's "Sherlock." In his breakthrough role as a modern incarnation of the legendary detective, casting agents and audiences worldwide have been afforded the opportunity to see something exceedingly rare - the perfect marriage of talent and part.
Next up for Cumberbatch: Star Trek 2, 12 Years a Slave, and a third season of "Sherlock."
Do: Cineplex.
Pois bem
Muita agua passou debaixo da ponte desde a ultima vez em que postei por aqui, desde estresse ate bons momentos. Pois bem, momenteos estressantes foram colocados para tras e o que ficou foi a experiencia e o aprendizado. Os bons momentos ficaram e foram bem valorizados.
Agora eh olhar para frente, afinal eh para frente que se anda nao eh verdade? Planejando uma festa junina aqui na empresa onde trabalho, esse sera o segundo ano em que organizo. Dessa vez temos mais atividades planejadas como dancas, brincadeiras e correio elegante, porque festa junina nao eh festa junina sem um bom correio elegante. E isso me da uma saudade de Caruaru, de Recife, das festas pela cidade.
Agora eh olhar para frente, afinal eh para frente que se anda nao eh verdade? Planejando uma festa junina aqui na empresa onde trabalho, esse sera o segundo ano em que organizo. Dessa vez temos mais atividades planejadas como dancas, brincadeiras e correio elegante, porque festa junina nao eh festa junina sem um bom correio elegante. E isso me da uma saudade de Caruaru, de Recife, das festas pela cidade.
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